
Weird Holidays You Didn’t Know Existed

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By now you’ve probably noticed people celebrating all kinds of weird and wacky holidays. Thanks to social media, word travels very quickly every time one of these days comes around. We’re always looking for reasons to celebrate, so why not dedicate a whole day to some of the things that are worthy of commemorating? So far this year, we’ve already celebrated Best Friends Day, Beer Day, Hug Your Cat Day, and even National Cheese Day. If you have a favorite food (or drink!), there’s probably a day of the year that is dedicated to its consumption. If there’s a hobby you enjoy, a group of likeminded people have probably already created a holiday for it. Here’s some upcoming holidays to get you ready to celebrate:

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day (August 4th): t’s really simple to celebrate this sweet day. Eat as many chocolate chip cookies as you can! (This is a perfect excuse). If you are a baker, celebrate this day by pulling out your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipes and bake as many cookies as you can. This year, Chocolate Chip Cookie Day is on a Friday, so make sure you bake enough to bring some into work for your fellow workers as a nice way to finish out the week!

Lay Day (August 10th): Okay, so we said that if you have a favorite hobby there’s probably already a holiday dedicated to it. There’s even a day dedicated to doing nothing! During the middle of summer, a lazy day always sounds like a good idea. Stay cool and kick up your feet to celebrate this relaxing holiday.

Kiss and Make Up Day (August 25th): If you’re in the doghouse during this time, Kiss and Make Up Day might be your way out. Buy flowers, leave a sweet note, cook dinner, and get back on the good side of your significant other. Dedicating a day to forgiveness and apologies is a sweet thought!

Read a Book Day (September 6th): Do you have a book you’ve been meaning to read? Take a trip to the library or bookstore and pick up a good story to sift through. Enjoy a break from Netflix and TV, and incorporate some literacy into your day. They say the book is usually better than the movie, anyway.

Elephant Appreciation Day (September 22nd): There’s even holidays dedicated to our favorite animals! Elephants are truly majestic creatures, and you can spend this day researching all of the reasons that make elephants so special! You can even plan a trip to the zoo to see some in action.

These are just a few examples of the silly holidays we get the pleasure of celebrating each year. We hope you find some great ways to celebrate all of the wacky days you can!

Lauren lives in OB with her French bulldog, Elvis Presley. She loves laughter and the great outdoors. You can contact her at [email protected].

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