
Benefits of Coconut Oil & How To Use It

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Coconut oil has become a pretty popular remedy for pretty much any situation. You’ve probably seen the memes that mock the use of coconut oil to solve all kinds of problems. “I’ve got 99 problems and coconut oil solved like 86 of them.” But what’s the big deal with coconut oil and why does everyone rant and rave about it? Is it a gimmick or the real deal?

As far as cooking goes, coconut oil is more beneficial to use than other oils because it is high in healthy fats called medium-chain fatty acids (MFCAs). Most of the fats we consume take longer to digest, but these healthy fats called found in coconut oil provide the perfect source of energy because they only have to go through a three-step process to be turned into fuel vs. other fats that have to go through a 26-step process. Coconut oil is high in saturated fat, so make sure to check your nutrition requirements and choose what’s right for you.

You’ve probably also heard that coconut oil is good for you skin. That’s because it has rich content of coco-nutrients that moisturizes the skin without clogging the skin pores and makes you feel fresh. Another reason to use coconut oil as a moisturizer or anti-aging cream: affordability. When compared to pricey skincare products (that often come in multiple steps and include a lot of chemicals that damage your skin in the long run), coconut oil is surprisingly affordable. Here’s a simple recipe for Coconut Oil with Honey Body Wash that will keep your skin feeling naturally fresh and soft:


  • Coconut oil
  • Raw honey
  • Liquid castile soap
  • Essential oils
  • Vitamin E oil


1. Melt 1/4 cup of virgin coconut oil by heating it indirectly.
2. Then add 1 teaspoon of vitamin E, 1/4 cup of raw honey, 10 – 15 drops of your favorite essential (or combinations of it) oil in it.
3. Stir well and slowly add 1/2 cup of liquid castile soap and stir gently.
4. Transfer this mix to a glass or plastic bottle for regular usage.
5. Shake well before each use and follow it regularly to get a soft and glowing skin.

The essential fatty acids found in coconut oil can also act as a moisturizer for your hair and scalp by penetrating deep into the skin. It prevents breakage, promotes shiny, healthy hair growth, and disinfects the scalp with its antimicrobial properties. During the sunny San Diego summer, our hair gets dry and brittle due to sun exposure, chlorinated water and our excessive usage of hair styling products. You can treat your damaged hair to a simple overnight mask to undo some of the damage. Here’s how:

1. Warm enough virgin organic coconut oil slightly to convert it into a liquid state.
2. Brush your hair from roots to tip thoroughly.
3. Apply coconut oil by starting from the roots to the hair ends.
4. Massage gently for few minutes till your hair strands observed the hair.
5. Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it for overnight.
6. Rinse off with a mild shampoo followed by conditioner in the next morning.
7. Repeat the process 2 – 3 times a week for best results against hair damage.

We hope you can incorporate coconut oil into your daily health and hygiene routine to enjoy all of its benefits!

Lauren lives in OB with her French bulldog, Elvis Presley. She loves laughter and the great outdoors. You can contact her at [email protected].

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