Cent’Anni: Okay, so I’m Italian and I can’t get enough pizza and lasagna…so what!

Canadian Bacon and Pineapple Pizza (Photo by Maria Desiderata Montana)
There is a good reason I work out everyday….because I love to eat! And I will never sacrifice my favorite Italian foods.
My husband and I love to hide in a corner at Filippi’s in San Diego’s Little Italy to drink chianti, and eat pizza and lasagna for lunch.
I couldn’t believe it when, on our last luncheon outing, my husband ordered a Canadian bacon and pineapple pizza. “I thought you were Italian,” I laughed. “Do Italians eat pizza with Canadian bacon and pineapple, really?”
It was pretty good, but I’d rather have my pizza piled high with salami, prosciutto and Italian sausage. My husband politely agreed, but I guess he wanted to try something different. That’s what I get for letting him order. (By the way: if you love Canadian bacon and pineapple on your pizza, it’s okay by me…go for it!)

Lasagna (Photo by Maria Desiderata Montana)
Filippi’s Pizza Grotto is where we like to go for something that tastes close to homemade, and you can’t beat the portions. Plus, when I dropped the remainder of my uneaten lasagna on the floor, as I was carefully trying to place it into a carry out container, the waiter just smiled politely, and brought me a brand new serving to go. And he had no idea I was a food writer. How is that for service? But don’t go dropping your lasagna on purpose now!
Maria Desiderata Montana is an award-winning food and wine journalist, editor, and published author based in San Diego. She gained an appreciation of European cuisine from her parents who were born and raised in Calabria, Italy. Visit her website at www.sandiegofoodfinds.com.