Take Your iPhone Photos To The Next Level
A few years ago, no one would have believed that their mobile phone could replace their digital cameras and become their sole device for snapping photos. Today, the Apple iPhone boasts a camera that produces exceptional quality pictures and video. With it, the average person can pursue their photography hobby with just one device. The plethora of camera and photo editing apps on the app store can provide you with all the tools to capture and share stunning photos, all without the need for an expensive DSLR. Use these apps to take your photography to the next level, and impress your friends, family, and even yourself.

Photo taken with VSCO
VSCO is a free app that can be used a replacement for the stock camera app on your iPhone, but where it really shines is it’s editing abilities. VSCO offers a wide range of preset filters for free, with many more preset packs available for purchase. If you prefer to manually edit your photos and get that exact look you want, VSCO offers a multitude of editing tools, some of which are unique from other apps. These include options to edit skin tone, add grain or fade, and even add a colorful tint to highlights and shadows in the picture. To top it off, you can share your VSCO photos with social networks, or their very own photo network called Grid, which allows fellow users to view your gallery. This photo I took using my iPhone 7+ was edited using only VSCO. I was able to add softer color tones, blur the background, and give the photo a slight grain, giving it that vintage feel. The app is also available for Android.
While the stock camera app on the iPhone only offers base level shooting controls, Camera+ can make you feel as if you’re using a DSLR while shooting with your iPhone. With options to control shutter speed, ISO, white balance, Camera+ allows you to have complete control over how you want your photo to turn out, before even editing it. Taking up-close shots? Turn on the macro mode, or even manually adjust the focus to get your perfect shot. In addition to precise camera options, Camera+ also offers a full editing suite. With “layers”, you can combine multiple filters into a photo, adding more depth and complexity to your shots. Camera+ is $2.99 on the App Store.
Ever take a photo that would love amazing if it didn’t have some unwanted part in it, like sun glare or trash in the background? With TouchRetouch, you can easily remove unwanted objects by “painting” over them, which essentially combines the surrounding pixels to erase it. With the Brush and Lasso options, all you have to do is mark what you want to be erased from the photo, and the app will automatically work its magic, leaving you with your desired photo. If you require more extensive work, the Clone option allows you duplicate elements of your photo. Say you shot a photo of a tree that didn’t have fully grown leaves throughout. By cloning the parts with leaves, you can paint over the barren branches, making the tree appear fully grown and even. TouchRetouch will run you $1.99 on the App Store (also available for Android).
Giving you the ability to combine multiple images to create unconventional photos, Superimpose will have you impressing your friends with what looks to be an impossible shot. With the masking feature, you can choose which part of the photo is seen when layered upon the second photo. You can layer a colored photo onto a black and white photo, creating a rich and more natural photo, with more pronounced details. Create surreal photos by layering the same image multiple times, or adding multiple filters into the photo giving it an ethereal aesthetic. The possibilities are endless, only limited to your imagination. This app goes for $1.99 in the App Store or on Google Play.