Entertainer Quickie: Making Music, Willow Smith and Lady Gaga’s New Releases
In this Entertainer Quickie we have an update on a new single by Willow Smith and a noteworthy video by Lady Gaga.
Willow Smith is a “21st Century Girl”
Willow Smith is back with another electro-pop single, “21st Century Girl.” According to MTV the track premiered on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show, where it was announced that the single would be exclusively available to download on iTunes starting Tuesday March 1st.
Following her last hit, “I Whip My Hair Back and Forth,” her sound seems to remain reminiscent of Ke$ha and Rihanna. The youngest in the Smith household, Willow is making a name for herself, celebrating being a girl of the moment, “Twenty-first century girl/I’m taking you for a ride,” the ten-year old sings. Smith will be preforming her newest single on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” to promote her newly added dates to the Justin Bieber My World tour in the UK.
The future is nothing but bright for Smith, she is an up and coming artist with an expected album release in the near future. Have a listen to Willow Smith’s newest single and let us know what you think!
Lady Gaga’s “Born this Way” Video
Ms. Lady Gaga premiered her newest video this Monday, February 28th. In the past, Gaga has been known to create memorable expressive videos— escaping prison with Beyonce, offending the Catholic church, murdering her boyfriend and “Born this Way” does not disappoint. According to MTV, her newest video is a mixture of space odyssey, creationism and includes the creation of a new universe and even race. A race that poses no sense of judgment or hate. This is Gaga’s most out there… most “Gaga” video yet.
The video begins with Lady Gaga’s voiceover proclaiming “a Manifesto of Mother Monster” and she continues with phrases like “the mitosis of the future” and “the eternal mother hovered in the multiverse.” The video involves the astral rebirth of society. There are tons of popular culture references Gaga includes in the video– the early “Superman” films, Steve McQueen’s newest collection and even Madonna as Gaga bears the signature tooth gap. There is everything imaginable in this video– fierce dance moves, gunplay, barely-there outfits for Gaga and even a “Zombie Boy.” The director of the video, Nick Knight, uses each frame more as a fashion photograph than anything else, focusing on the contrast of the dark and light coloring of Gaga’s new world.
“Born this Way” is part-fantasy and part-Gaga’s dream of reality.
What do you all think of Gaga’s future world?