San Diego Weather- Weekly Surf and Snow Report
Monday, February 8, 2010
High 58 °- 63°
Mostly Sunny
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
High 57° – 62°
Cloudy with a chance of rain
More rain, thunder storms, and hail likely into the night
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
High 57° – 62°
Mostly cloudy with showers likely throughout the day
Thursday, February 11, 2010
High 58° – 63°
Partly Sunny
Friday, February 12, 2010
High 58° – 63°
Partly Cloudy
Saturday, February 13, 2010
High 63° – 67°
Sunday, February 14, 2010
High 64° – 68°
Continue reading for surf & snow report
Surf Conditions
Water temp: 55° – 58°
Surf conditions are mild. The WNW-NW swell will build through the weekend due to a developing storm of the British Columbian coast. Waves will build throughout the week with 10′- 15′ sets expected by the weekend. More storms will develop in its wake, causing larger and more westerly swells to follow.
Big Bear Conditions
With one foot or more of snowfall from the weekend, Big Bear will see partly cloudy skies and chances of snow scattered throughout the week. enjoy the clear conditions on Monday, with increasing chance of snow showers expected toward the end of the week. Weather on the mountain is expected peak in the 30s with lows in the teens and 20s. There will likely be great riding and skiing conditions all week.