
Obama’s speech a sound of truth, not controversy

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Despite the overall theme of The Entertainer as a source for all things San Diego, we still feel that things like politics and other such factors in our lives hugely play a role in our city. Our President is the biggest celebrity in the country, and when he has speeches that are deeply passionate and powerful we must let San Diego know.

Obama recently delivered a speech in Arlington, Virginia, that was aimed at the youth of America, and how important education is in our lives. The speech was a poignant and charismatic look at how the world holds no boundaries to any one person, if education plays a role in it. Talking to the students and the world, he emphasized that as the future of this country it is of the utmost importance that they recognize the immeasurable value education holds.

Touching on the importance of hard work, and tenacity, Obama implored the world of the young to embrace the gift of knowledge. Not to revere it, but to make it their own and become whatever, and whoever they want to be. In the opening of the speech he alluded to the need that we must let go of the delusions of grandeur that the media and entertainment falsely let us believe. Instead of focusing on the entertainment avenue he said-

“I know that sometimes you get that sense from TV that you can be rich without any hard work. That your ticket to success is through rapping or basketball or being a reality TV star…chances are you’re not going to be any of those things.”

The speech was aimed directly at this entertainment drowned society we face, and he tried to bring the youth to the understanding that education is more important than a life of fame.

After the speech was made many critics from the conservative side deemed the speech as a “get them while their young tactic”. Thinking that he was targeting the youth in order to get them to be part of his grand scheme, and to follow the supposed agenda he has laid out for America.

On the other side of his speech many declared their subtle concerns about the lesson plan Obama was encouraging. The concerns lied in the field of Federal affairs meddling in matters that are usually delegated by the State. Whatever the concerns may be the speech itself has a sounding truth to it.

Whether you may be conservative, liberal, or an independent the urgency of education in our country is one of the utmost importance. In 2008 America was 18th out of 36 countries in the top rankings of education. This should bring concern to all the US and San Diego.

As a society that feeds off ingenuity such as: televisions, cars, movies, art, music, and anything entertainment it is all based on the foundations of education. Schooling has been what has brought some of the greatest sources of entertainment to us. Whether it breeds malcontent, or shelters the talent, whatever the case may be education is always involved.

Not only does the world need to cultivate it more, the survival of life and entertainment depend on its proliferation. To those who would denounce the speech as partisan rhetoric, don’t look at it as a right versus left, look at what the speech says, and its context. Too often do we let our sides cloud our judgment, and the media bias our resolve.

It is always the hardest to stand tall in the face of adversity; we must embrace this truth and forge forward to better ourselves and the world at large.

Here is the speech, judge for yourself on its goal. Is it agenda setting or a way of speaking to the American people on the importance of education, and not to neglect it?


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