Mind Blowing Facts According to Reddit
The Ask Reddit page is always filled with tons of fascinating content for curious-minded individuals, but every now and then, a thread pops up asking people to share their favorite mind-blowing facts. From crazy to funny, here are the best facts I’ve seen from the good people of Reddit.
- Newsflash: a billion dollars is a lot of money
- Say thank you to your doctor next time you see them
- Redheads are practically superheroes, confirmed
- This is a pretty rad fact, so let’s keep it as one! #savethetrees
- Insects are totally going to take over the world someday
- So this means that Presidents Washington wasn’t riding a T-rex into battle during the Revolutionary War? lame.
- Poor pluto always getting dumped on
- Sheer cuteness overload is standard upon stepping onto the island
- If you’ve ever messed up at work before, just remember this poor guy that accidentally did this
- This is why we have a Shark Week and not a Tree Week
- A little three-piece to end the show