San Diego Based Skrewball Whiskey Achieves Nationwide Expansion
Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey is the changing the whiskey game with the first real peanut butter whiskey, and now, the award-winning liquor based out of San Diego will now be available throughout California and 14 other states! As the company celebrates its first year of business, it serves as a reminder to the impressive expansion Skrewball has accomplished.
Nationwide availability within a year is practically unheard for a spirits brand, but Skrewball has truly knocked it out of the park. Ttheir unmatched peanut butter flavor seamlessly blended with quality whiskey is unparalleled in the industry.

Skrewball’s story begins in Ocean Beach as a deep-seated passion among a bartender and foodie who owned local watering hole, OB Noodle House. The bar and restaurant serve as a staging ground for misfits, black sheep, and Skrewballs that have always had the uncanny ability to encourage the community to join the nightly party.
What started out as a delicious peanut butter and whiskey shot, Steven Yeng and wife Britney Merill Yeng went on to exceed all expectations by creating Skrewball Peanut Whiskey. A year later, Screwball has taken home the Best-In-Class Platinum Medal and Innovation Award for Flavored Infused Whiskey and Moonshine at the 2019 SIP Awards. They’ve also won the Double Gold Medal for Best Flavored Whiskey in the 2018 New York World Wine & Spirits Competition.

There’s no question about it: Skrewball is in a league of its own. Now, in partnership with Infinium Spirits, Skrewball is set to expand nationally, delivering a completely new and innovative packaging that will match the level of quality so evident in its exceptional flavor.
As defined by the company itself, a Skrewball is “an individual who strays away from the cliche things in life. One who is not afraid to break away from the crowd and be their own individual.” Just one sip of this whiskey will give you all the validation needed to speak this definition into reality and make it ring true.
Skrewball is available at a variety of liquor stores and bars throughout San Diego, so don’t miss your chance on joining this revolution, because let me tell you – this future is nutty.
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