The Beat, a beginning to The Entertainer’s community efforts
Since the establishment of the Entertainer, we have been striving to provide the community with everything and anything that is San Diego. As a part of that ideal the Entertainer feels that it is necessary to start to honor the people, or groups that are affecting our community in positive ways. There are so many organizations in our lovely city that strive to help, and better the world and the community that it would be a disservice not to honor them.
In order to put these established groups into the limelight, the Entertainer will be doing a weekly update on all the events that are being thrown. The article will include what the organizations are doing, where you can go to contribute to the organization, and how you can get more involved with the cause. In order to keep everyone up to date, including the Entertainer, we will be working hand in hand with all the organizations that we make contact with.

Provided by ‘ind{yeah}’ via Flickr
Utilizing the power of the internet, and the weapon of writing we hope to bring a rising voice to these devoted groups, and aide them in their cause. The idea was agreed upon by all the staff at the Entertainer, that it is people like this that need to be acknowledged more than anyone else. Their kind hearts and true purpose in life bring a breath of fresh air in a society that has seemed to lose touch with its human counterparts. They see that with a little effort and fortitude anything can be accomplished. You can give food to the homeless, raise awareness about the forgotten, petition to halt the unfair raising of tuition, remember the dead from the war(not just one side but both), and keep the minds of the public aware all with just a little dedication.
The very first organization that is going to be a part of the Entertainer’s on-going goal of awareness is a group known as “The Beat“(Bringing Education and Activism Together). The Beat was established by a Political Science teacher from City College named Larissa Doorman. Even though it was founded by Doorman, she accredits the students to have put this organization together, and their efforts and work are what makes it tick.
Doorman was quoted by The City Times, a San Diego Community College Newspaper that The Beat was made “to provide an avenue for students to build the community, educate and learn from others, inspire action and bring about change. I believe that this group is incredible because it is inclusive, open-minded and egalitarian.” The Beat is a unique, diverse group who come from all angles of life. No one in the group is above the other and they all have a voice in the process. They build their foundation on the love they have for their community and the world, and look to make a difference with their passion.
Catching up with The Beat at Claire De Lunes, we got to see first-hand how the group works and what they are all about. Meeting up with Amber, our contact, and avid member in The Beat, she welcomed us with open arms and led us to the group. Taking our seats, the group took a quick moment to introduce one and other formally and to thank us for coming as their guest. The warm smiles, and greeting from the group was heartfelt and kind. Every member seemed so different, almost like a proverbial melting pot of individuals. Despite their obvious physical variance, their souls were all in tune and the same. Passionate, profound, and motivated they all contributed in the meeting and showed us what they were all about.
Doorman headed the meeting and filled everyone in on what they needed to do, and what they need to work on. Discussions about raising food drives, putting crosses on the lawn of City College for fallen soldiers, having someone shackled in a chair like the founder of the Black Panthers Bobby Seale was in his infamous court hearing for the Chicago riots. A documentary about raising college prices, and the event they had going on where people were going to conduct famous speeches from activists in history. The overall feel of the meeting was one of urgency and priority to get their voices heard.
The meeting at Claire De Lunes showed us what The Beat was all about. It’s not just some resume builder for the college students, it was a true calling for those involved in the process and they all were deeply committed to the cause. As the first organization in the Entertainer’s community efforts, they are a fine and prestigious choice. They function on the motives that are founded on the principles of freedom of expression, and the most basic rights that are given to us as US citizens. They take what has been granted to us through our Constitution and utilize what so many of us have forgotten…our basic rights.
Crystal Browning, president of The Beat and Jose Rodriguez, the vice-president, are deeply committed to the group and everything it is doing. They look to expand their network and get involved with every organization in the city, and make The Beat a huge foundation for the city of San Diego.
The expanse of these organizations is what the Entertainer is looking to contribute to. We want to inform everyone that there are great things one person can do, and will be able to do if they put their mind to it. The Beat will be giving us weekly updates on what they are doing, and we will reiterate it to the community.
Don’t just stand around San Diego now is the time to get involved, and now is the time to take the power into your own hands and show the world that the power is really in the people. If you are a college student and want to get involved with The Beat email Larissa Doorman at [email protected] and tell her you want to be a part of this. You can also contact the Entertainer at [email protected] to get involved or to fill us in on your organization. We look forward to seeing the progression of these modern day soldiers and to hear from the people who want to help. Leaving you with a quote from Sam Adams we hope it resonates in your democratic soul.
“The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.” -Samuel Adams