Kid Rock Announces he is Running for US Senate
This might come as somewhat as a surprise to some people, and other people might actually think it’s a joke, but Kid Rock is really running for the US Senate. The 46-year-old musician plans to represent the republican party in his home town of Michigan, specifically.
Kid Rock, known for lighthearted songs like ‘All Summer Long’ and ‘First Kiss,’ launched a website on Wednesday in order to effectively promote his campaign. Even though some of the slogans on the website include phrases like, “party of the people,” and “pimp of the nation,” Kid Rock confirmed this is not a joke and he is completely serious about running for the vital role.
In fact, Kid Rock tweeted to his fans and the general public because many people were contacting him thinking he was kidding. He tweeted, ““I have had a ton of emails and texts asking me if this website is real… http://kidrockforsenate.com The answer is an absolute YES.”
As of right now, his website doesn’t include information regarding policy positions or innovative ideas for the future. Instead, there are less-than-professional phrases, as well as a gift shop where voters can purchase shirts, stickers, hats and signs. There is also an option to subscribe for email updates.
Kid Rock is expected to run against an experienced politician Sen. Debbie Stabenow, a Democrat who first won the seat in 2000. The senator said in a statement, ““I know we both share a love of music. I concede he is better at playing the guitar, and I’ll keep doing what I do best, which is fighting for Michigan.”
There isn’t any evidence that Kid Rock has filed paperwork with the Federal Elections Commission to run for office, so the candidacy isn’t entirely confirmed. However, Kid Rock certainly seems serious about running. We will let you know if there are any further updates regarding Rock’s campaign.