What your birthday really means
What if your birthday was more than just a celebration of your birth? What if it was a map of your life?
Before we had books and the internet there was an ancient system that only the educated had knowledge and training in. This system was exclusively used to set up marriages between elite and royalty, and is the foundation of all Yogic counseling, healing and wisdom. This powerful system, the map of your life, is called Yogic Numerology.
The San Diego Entertainer had the opportunity to interview accomplished Yogi, Sikh minister, social commentator and widely sought after consultant, counselor and teacher, Yogi Akal, better known as the numerology professor.
Yogic Numerology is an analysis of the starting point of any given thing such as the date of a marriage, or an individual’s birthday. This starting point is then translated into numbers and a formula is worked out to assess the different parts of your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual anatomy. From that formula you can address issues relating to your well being and get a sense of how to proceed through life.
While its primary usage is for counseling and health purposes, it is heavily used as a tool for determining the success of a relationship. By aligning your birthday with your significant other you’ll be able to determine the true potential of your relationship, the communication pattern between the two of you, and the best timing for your relationship.
“This system involves no superstition or energetic value it is a real specific technology and is something you cannot change. It’s not interpretive like physic readings it is a done deal,” stated Yogi Akal. The numbers involved in your starting point are associated with a meaning, from that meaning a map of your life is formulated, thus there is no room for interpretation.
Yogic Numerology is different from anything else because it doesn’t just end at your analysis. The analysis, the map of your life is great insight, but the real benefit comes from the advice and techniques this system provides to help heal and fulfill your life, your relationships, and yourself. The purpose of Yogic Numerology and the whole concept is how to live well and to be fulfilled in your life.
About Yogi Akal
Yogi Akal (also known as Agia Akal Singh Khalsa) is an expert in working with the total being, both personally and professionally. An accomplished Yogi, Sikh minister, social commentator and widely sought after consultant, counsellor and teacher, he is also a dynamic and compelling speaker, having conducted hundreds of programs throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
Since 1973, Yogi Akal has been teaching people how to achieve optimal health, wellness and success; reaching out and communicating, understanding the world we live in, how the mind, body and spirit connect, and how to achieve one’s potential on the job, at school, or at home. He has a distinguished record with prominent universities, schools, hospitals, mental health facilities, international Yoga organizations, government agencies, and corporations.
Yogi is frequently called upon by network media producers and celebrities, political and government figures, business and spiritual leaders, athletes, doctors and educators, as well as everyday people for perspective and strategy. Also well-‐versed in social commentary and current trends, news entities such as CNN and CNBC have counted on him for valuable insights into the people and events that shape the world and the local community.
To learn more about Yogic Numerology please visit www.yogiakal.com