San Diego woman comes forward to add to Tiger Woods’ marital woes

Photo from Keith Allison via Flickr
Well, here we go. Amidst much speculation about what happened at the Tiger Woods residence last weekend, people are coming out of the wood works. The police may have issued only a minor citation, but that is certainly not the end of it for Tiger Woods or his family.
San Diego resident Jaimee Grubbs has gone to US Magazine claiming she met Woods at a Las Vegas nightclub the week after the 2007 Masters and began an affair with him. Grubbs also claims to have proof in 300 text messages, and at least one voicemail, published by the magazine where the caller (not confirmed to be Woods) identifying himself as “Tiger” and telling her that his wife went through his phone and to take her name off the phone.
Woods’ agent, Mark Steinberg, of course, would not respond with a comment and who could blame him. An Associated Press reporter apparently went to a residence in Escondido seeking comment from Grubbs. The person who came to the door wouldn’t open it saying she wasn’t there.
Grubbs isn’t the only woman to come forward since Tiger’s mysterious traffic accident over the Thanksgiving weekend. Reports in Life & Style magazine and the New York Post said a woman named Kalika Moquin had also come forward. The magazine, quoting an associate of Moquin’s, said that Woods “wasn’t happy in his marriage or his home life and that there was just so much pressure on him.” The source continued to be quoted as saying “they’ve hooked up a bunch of times over the months…”
Woods, meanwhile, remained in seclusion in the exclusive Orlando area gated community of Isleworth, but has obviously remained the subject of intense media scrutiny, and the Us Weekly report didn’t help his appeal for privacy. His P.R. strategy of damage control has clearly hit a snag, wouldn’t you say?