
Millennials and The Rise of The Health & Wellness Movement

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The health and wellness industry has certainly evolved in the last decade, with consumers pouring millions into their pursuit of living a more holistic, fit life. Health and wellness have become a catch-all for the desire to achieve a state of physical, mental, and emotional well-being, accentuated of course with plenty of expensive supplements, activewear, and time spent in the gym.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

People are now spending more time than ever on doing what’s necessary to improve and sustain a level of health and wellness that encompasses nearly every facet of their lives – from fitness to sleep. Thanks to a nearly endless variety of gadgets, apps, devices, health supplements, organic foods, and the latest diet trends, it is a limitless rabbit hole to fall into. But is that such a bad thing?

According to the Global Wellness Institute, the health and wellness industry has swelled to a staggering $4.2 trillion (Yes, you read that right. Trillion with nine zeros to follow it). This trend is visible across all consumer groups, with the idea of eating healthy, exercising regularly, and closely monitoring one’s health becoming the “cool” thing to do in contemporary culture.

One of the driving forces behind this industry is millennials. This group of consumers, born between 1980 and 1999, have been shown to pursue health and wellness with a fierce fervor. Millenials are the biggest spenders when it comes to wellness trends, whether it’s adopting the “athleisure” fashion style, tracking fitness data through apps, or eating at all-natural organic eateries.

As we enter into a new age of longer lifespans coupled with increased stress and unhappiness, it seems as if our obsession is born more out of unconscious necessity than being another passing trend. It has provided people with a chance to flesh out some level of certainty in their lives, giving them the encouragement that they can become the masters of their health, in an age where it is just as easy to have a fast food diet.

But not so fast. While this industry can be a guiding light for millions on their journey to better health, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a dark side to it. An industry that has grown to a size like this is not without its vultures looking to prey on unsuspecting people.

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There are countless companies out there looking to make a quick buck by selling consumers bogus supplements promising outlandish health claims. Goop, a company owned by actress Gwyneth Paltrow, has sold products like $120 stickers that are supposedly “embedded with a specific combination of bio-frequencies designed to enhance and activate particular targeted systems.”

There is also the problem of “influencers” who have adopted the mantra of “if it works for me, it’ll work for you,” when it comes to health and wellness. Just like the bogus supplements, this follows the idea that health is universal for each and every human body when in reality, it is very much a personalized journal for everyone.

Nevertheless, living in a world where health and wellness have become a key priority for millions doesn’t sound like too bad of a thing. Sure, it has fallen victim to over-commercialization, but at least this industry has an underlying motive of helping people prosper, rather than struggle.

Avid writer and reader with a curious mind. I'm always looking to get the most out of life! Follow me on Twitter @whatsaschoon

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