Parking meters coming to Pacific Beach?
Driver’s cannot park on the San Diego State campus without having a parking permit or feeding a meter. The same is true of most areas downtown, and most college campuses nationwide. Soon, this may be the case in Pacific Beach as well. Discover Pacific Beach, and other community organizations are lobbying for all parking in the PB “beach area” to be metered, with residents paying for annual permits.
In addition, Elvin Lai, president of Discover Pacific Beach envisions the creation of a college campus-like parking district. This would involve parking meters basically everywhere, but would also include new parking structures, increased mass transit to the beach (such as a trolley extension), and parking permits. The community group plans for all parking in PB to require paying meters or buying permits.
Some, including many residents, are opposed to the idea. Paul Falcone is a PB resident who rejects the idea of having to buy a permit, at any price, to park in front of his own home. He also believes any friends who visit should not have to pay to park.
In answer to such questions, Lai and the PB community folks in favor attest that the plan is still being formulated and nothing has yet been decided. He says open talks withing the entire community be determine the final picture of parking in PB. One venue to join this discussion can be found at http://beautifulpb.com/.
Currently, San Diego, like all large cities in the U.S. has thousands of parking meters. They are located in many different parts of the city, the majority downtown. Meters charge from fifty cents to $1,25 an hour, and all require payment from Monday through Saturday, from 8:00 in the morning until 6:00 at night. There are more than five thousand electronic meters that can be paid with prepaid cards.