Hidden cash stashed around San Diego, clues on twitter
Here’s a hint: go to the @SDCashStash or @HiddenCashSD twitter accounts for hints on where to find cash cached around the county that’s yours for the finding. The unknown benefactors have announced (via twitter) that more money will be hidden today.
This is all part of a global trend that seems to have begun in San Francisco on May 23, and has spread around the U.S. and around the world. Recent envelopes were hinted at and found in other cities in California, such as Los Angeles, San Jose and Pasadena, in Chicago, in parts of Florida and overseas in Holland and Hong Kong. The “HiddenCash” meme has been self-described on the twitter feeds as scavenger hunts of kindness, and a social experiment in generosity.
Some reported finders of the the cash have in turn used the money to help others, such as feeding homeless people, in a practice reminiscent of the theme of the movie “Pay It Forward” of several years ago. One of the twitter accounts, along with clues to more envelopes, has suggested the discoverers of the cash in San Diego use it to take a policeman, fireman, or member of the armed forces out to lunch today.
As of today, the hidden treasures have been discovered in a planter near a Petco store in Escondido, in Chula Vista at In-and-Out Burgers, in Mission Valley, near DZ Akins in East County and at Mission Bay. North of San Diego, cash was found buried in the sand at Hermosa Beach.
@SDCashStash has broadcast the tweet that more clues and more hidden money is on the way. @HiddenCash, in an effort to keep the movement safe and not alarm the authorities, has asked players to keep the searches positive, safe, and to drive and walk carefully while searching for the free cash.