Amazon Prime Coming to Apple TV
It is official: Amazon Prime is coming to Apple TV later this year. After many years of trials and tribulations, the two sources finally reached the agreement to bring the Amazon Prime Video application to Apple TV. At Apple’s annual developer conference WWDC 2017 that occurred today, the CEO Tim Cook made the announcement.
From this app, users will receive a realm of opportunities due to the vast options for TV and movie watching on the application. For example, there will be Prime video content like viewing movies and TV shows while using Apple TV. This will be much more accessible than the previously used Airplay, which inconveniently required users to plug into other devices such as, iPhones or MacBooks.
Considering Apple and Amazon have competed with each other in the past, this is exciting news and mends the previous issues between companies. Furthermore, there won’t be as many difficulties for users watching TV shows and movies that they may have faced previously. Both Apple and Amazon sold similar products for streaming, so this collaboration simply makes sense and is expected to reduce various caveats.
As another piece of news to be released later this year, Apple is expected to share more details about tvOS, which we are also excited about. It came as a surprise that the Amazon and Apple collaboration was the only news talked about today at the conference, rather than any of these developments. We were surprised that no more details were released, but are now even more excited for the next developments and software features to be created later in the year.
Amazon has not yet disclosed whether the Apple TV will return to its online store as a result of this deal, but we will let you know further details as soon as we can. We hope that you enjoy the new collaboration between Amazon and Apple. We are sure that the future is going to be bright for the pair.