Starbucks releases 13 beautiful Holiday cup designs
For all of you who criticized Starbucks once again for releasing a green cup as opposed to a holiday cup, maybe it’s time to think again. Starbucks put all of the anger of the holiday cups aside and brought joy to the world again by dropping 13 new beautifully designed cups…take that haters.
The popular coffee chain’s newest cups will feature 13 winter-inspired designs which were created by some of their very own customers. The idea of having customers design cups came when loyal coffee drinkers started creating their own designs on the plain red cups that Starbucks released last year. The company turned it into a contest and decided to use 13 of the 1,200 submissions received.
Ranging from holiday, nature and old fashioned storybooks, the cups are truly designed to fit everyone’s beliefs. Some of the cups feature lights, reindeer and Santa while others are more winter based, featuring swirling snow and aspen trees. I think it is safe to say no one can complain that Starbucks is taking away their holiday spirit this year.
Earlier in November, Starbucks released a green cup, which is said to represent unity and community. The cup displays more than 100 people drawn in a single stroke. Many falsely believed that they would be stuck with these cups throughout the holiday season, and were upset the cups didn’t represent Christmas. Little did they know, Starbucks was about to hit them with all of the holiday joy in the world.
The company has released a new holiday cup every year since 1997. It is clear that the company wanted this year’s design to have more joy and display a range of festivities to fit every customer. Now we can all feel at peace knowing we are drinking out of a festive, beautifully designed Starbucks cup.