Catching up with Lou Ferrigno at Comic-Con
Tucked away in the corner of the main hall among the thick of it all, there he sat. Lou Ferrigno, the man himself, was almost so inconspicuous that if you didn’t take a second glance you may not have known it was him.
Signing autographs, taking pictures, and conversing with his adoring fans Lou humbly made his presence felt at Comic-Con. His booth was filled with some of his most memorable accolades as a celebrity. Hulk pictures, self-help books, how to train in weight lifting, and much, much more adorned the table that lied before him. His connection with his fans, and sheer humility for what he has been given was reflected in his demeanor.
For years now, Lou Ferrigno has remained an icon around the country and the world. His iconic status grew from his work as a bodybuilder, and most notably his role in the hit television show The Hulk.
However, as I chatted with Lou he told me that he wants to escape that stereotype. He wants people to know that he is so much more than just some muscle-obsessed individual — that he has has a side that many people don’t know about, and he too is human. Ferrigno mentioned that he was trying to partake in the hit ABC show Dancing With the Stars as a way to portray the softer, more gentle side most people don’t see. When discussing this, it was obvious Ferrigno was very passionate about being a part of the show and showing the world what he could do.
Further along the conversation, Ferrigno talked briefly about Michael Jackson, and how he was mourning his recent death. It may not be known to many, but Ferrigno was very closely tied to Jackson. The relationship between Ferrigno and Jackson, according to Ferrigno’s wife, started fifteen years ago. Ferrigno was training Jackson for his up coming tour in July and they had become extremely close. The affect the death took on was clearly visible as he talked about it.
Moving along, he mentioned how he was looking forward to the CD release of I Love You Man, where Ferrigno played himself in the film, along side Paul Rudd, who played his real estate agent.
Ferrigno has been attending Comic-Con for years now. He says that he “loves the positive vibe,” and, “the people who come to these events.” He also commented on how he loves to see the kids and the people come together under one common love, and to “just have fun and meet new people.”
Comic-Con to Ferrigno holds a special place in his heart, and he loves it so much that he put himself on the main hall of the event. He could’ve of easily demanded a booth with security, or a panel like all the others, but no instead he made his own little corner booth and took on the beast that is Comic-Con. Plus, I’m pretty sure Lou could handle himself if anyone tries anything funny, but still it shows that Ferrigno is a special man with a good heart.
Closing out the conversation, it was clear that Ferrigno is one of those rare enigmas in the celebrity world. With his positive can do attitude, and his willingness to talk to whomever may ask, Ferrigno has made an eternal fan in the entertainer, and this journalist as well. Genuine and humble, Ferrigno deserves all that he has earned, and I hope he wins Dancing With the Stars to show the world there are no limits to your character.