New Radio Show “Winning in Life” with SDEntertainer Financial Advisor Steve Sexton
Last week on San Diego Living, the Entertainer’s own financial advisor announced that he’ll be the host of his own radio show. Steve Sexton was very excited to talk about an new opportunity that he has recently been given; a chance to be the host of his very own radio show which debuted Sunday, May 13th, Mother’s Day, on KCBQ 1170, at 9 a.m. His new show, “Winning in Life” features more than just financial tips, as his goals for the show are to provide listeners with the opportunity to really succeed in life with advice from a wide range of experts on many important topics.
Steve sees this radio show as the perfect tool to reach out and help even more individuals than he is currently helping in the greater San Diego area. On the show he will be providing his expert financial advice about all manners of financial planning, with the added bonus of answering listener submitted questions. Have a question for Steve? Ask it by commenting on this article or go to WinninInLifeRadio.com for more information.
Plus, he’ll be able to speak extensively on his favorite topic: how to not let money fall through the cracks. He cares deeply for everyone’s financial health and often only asks for new clients to donate to a charity with some of the money he helps them find. He made sure to note that the show is not only about financial planning as the show will include guest speakers on topics from the state of the economy to health and fitness, including special visits from authors and inspirational guests. His hopes are that the show will be able to assist listeners in becoming well rounded and successful individuals. Tune in every Sunday, at 9am, on KCBQ 1170 a.m. to hear what he and others have to say about spring cleaning your life.
If you are unable to listen, but still would love the financial advice, consider signing up for one of Steve’s Financial workshops. They are absolutely free and a great opportunity to gain new perspective on your finances. Visit his website here: Sexton Advisory Group. If you have questions you would like answered feel free to submit your questions here Winning In Life Radio and Steve may answer them live on his new show, “Winning in Life.”