The Importance of a Financial Advisor – From Steve Sexton, host of Winning In Life radio show
Steve Sexton, President of Sexton Advisory Group and Director of the Financial Knowledge Institute, recently started his own radio show entitled “Winning in Life.” The show made its big debut in the beginning of May, and can be heard every Sunday morning at 9:00 on KBCQ 1170 AM. Winning in Life not only offers financial advice, but discusses skills and topics that are important to everybody’s life. Topics range from current business updates, health issues, to travel tips, inspirational people, and more.
Last Sunday, on May 27, Steve discussed many topics important to his listeners including, the dropping of oil prices, the importance of having a financial advisor, and he answered a few questions from listeners. You can listen to the whole show, and previous ones, at Winninginliferadio.com.
Steve started Sunday’s show discussing current developments in the business world and international affairs. Currently there is a drop in oil prices worldwide and oil production is at 900,000 barrels, which is the highest it’s been since 1990. This could possibly mean lower gas prices and significant savings for consumers.
He later discussed the importance of having a financial advisor stating that over 80 percent of people often make financial decisions based upon emotions and without true knowledge of the facts involved. A financial advisor can help with that as they think of the questions that people forget, or don’t know to ask. A good financial advisor can save people from making poor investment decisions and save them a lot of money.
One of the best features of Steve’s show is that he’ll take the time to answer listeners questions, and he did just that last Sunday. Paul, a senior manager from a local company is about to retire and made some wise investments that will help fund his retirement. He wants to leave some of his money to his family and friends, and was wondering the best way to ensure that they will gain the maximum amount. Steve, who is an expert financial advisor, provided several different options for Paul making suggestions as to where he can wisely invest his money so that his family and friends can get the maximum amount of money.
Steve’s show, Winning in Life, is truly a radio program that aims to inform and help its listeners by providing helpful information and advice for everybody. Be sure to listen every Sunday at 9:00 on KBCQ 1170 AM or stream it online at Winninginliferadio.com. If you have a question you want to pose to Steve, you can also submit them on his website.