Ten easy tips for living healthier

Photo from 'Michael Foley Photography' via Flikr
There is always so much talk about fad diets – the way to do the perfect ab-squeeze and the ten worst things to eat.
But what about the simple way to just be healthy? No one wants to be on a diet all the time and obsess over their body image.
Living a healthy lifestyle is a lot easier said than done. The key is to try and implement some small habits in your daily routine to help you achieve your physical goals. Here we are offering ten tips to be more healthful, which can help you lose weight and improve your overall well being.
1. Walk!
Doctors generally recommend at least thirty minutes a day of exercise which your heart rate is increased. Fitting that structured exercise into your daily routine is fantastic. But sometimes, there just isn’t a way to make it to the gym to hop on the treadmill, or get home before dark to go on a run. Instead, try parking in ‘god’s-country’ when you visit the mall, or grocery store. The extra 15 minutes you could spend walking back and forth can make a difference, especially if you do that whenever you have the opportunity!
If you work near the eateries you attend for lunch, walk there! The concept is to walk when it’s an option, and not a complete hassle.
2. Snack!
By snack we mean, keep your metabolism processing. By eating smaller portions throughout the day you allow your metabolism to process the food you intake, and then some. Now, this doesn’t mean a donut mid-morning and an ice-cream before bed. Choose your snacks wisely to benefit your health.
We would recommend an 100-Calorie pack which you can find in your local grocery store, that come in some tasty and sweet varieties. In the afternoon an piece of fresh fruit will generally run you under 100 calories and most have beneficial fiber to keep things moving smoothly. Try a fresh peach from the grocery store, they’re in season, delicious and on sale at most San Diego grocery stores.
3. 5-A-Day!
With processed food being the fast and easy alternative, most people are missing out on their five servings a day of fruit and vegetables. Eating all of your fruits and vegetables is a great way to be more healthful. Most fruits and veggies can be filling, extremely nutritional and low-calorie. A key for grocery shopping is that most of the healthful foods can be found on the perimeters of the store. So try and stay on the outside edges when making your buying decisions. This would include the fruit and veggies section, along with the fresh meats department.
For example, who remembers ant’s-on-a-log from their youth? Bring it back and munch on celery which contains fiber and is made up of mostly water so it’s not fattening! Purchase some Reduced Fat peanut butter and you have an excellent treat, with a bit of protein that is super refreshing in the summer heat!
4. Look up your fast food favorites online!
There is no-sense in obsessing over your guilty pleasures. We’re all human, and we all deserve to pig out occasionally. Again, you want to be healthful and not fanatical about what you eat. When you have to hit the drive-thru do your best to be conscious of what you are ordering. Before you head to the fast food chain of choice for lunch, check out their nutritional facts page which is guaranteed to be present on their website. You may be scared, or interested to see what you find there. If you can sacrifice which may be over half your daily intake of calories for something still tasty, but much more reasonable you should. Remember to look at not only calories, but fiber contents, sodium and fat grams.
Good to know: Congress just passed a new calorie law in California which took effect July 1st. The new calorie law requires restaurants in California with 20 or more locations to provide brochures with nutritional information to customers. By January 1, 2011 these same restaurants will need to post calories on their menus and menu boards for all to behold. Following suit, you can see the calories printed on menu’s at TGI-Friday’s in Carlsbad on Palomar Airport Road.
5. What are you dressing your foods with?
Food is tasty by itself, but it’s a lot better when you drizzle, dip or spread it with other goodness. Unfortunately, some of the things you may be adding to your food to make it even better are pretty bad. The biggest culprit I am guilty of is … ranch! It’s so delicious, but yet so fattening. Dressings in general can really take a salad from a healthful choice to a caloric mess.
You can add stuff to your food, but just be conscious of what you are adding and how much of it you need. Think about salt, butter, ranch, mayo … the list goes on. Try spreading your foods with fresh condiments, on your wrap instead of mayo try salsa.
6. Look at nutritional facts on your carbs.
When you’re at the store, stop and take a minute to check out the nutritional facts on the carbohydrates you purchase. Small switches in your purchasing patterns while at the grocery store can help you to be healthier. We suggest checking out the
fiber percentages on your cereal, breads and switching to whole-wheat pasta when possible. I personally will not purchase a cereal or bread unless it has 12 percent or greater my daily value of fiber per serving.
7. Eat breakfast!
Studies show that people who eat breakfast are more likely to be in shape than those who do not eat breakfast. This could be attributed to the fact that you won’t be over indulging at lunch time since you’ve already had a meal. Also, when you have a balanced breakfast you are more powered in the beginning of your day. We recommend Kellogg’s Special K Red Berries or Kellogg’s Special K Chocolate Delight. If you are feeling spunky mix two half-servings together and create “Strawberry – Chocolate” delight!
8. Drink water!
Most people do not drink enough water. It is recommend that you drink at least eight glasses (8 oz each) of water per day. Your Arizona Iced Tea and Gatorade do not count here! Buy yourself bigger water bottles and don’t be afraid to tote them around with you. If you always have water accessible, you are more likely to take advantage of a sip. Also, to be more healthful stay conscious of the types of liquid calories you are consuming. Some 24oz beverages can have upwards of 300 calories that you are just drinking away. So watch your summer refreshments closely, try freshly brewed iced tea with several fresh lemons as a healthful choice.
9. Eat only until you are full.
Most American’s have a tendency to over eat and improperly gauge their portion control. No one really needs as much food as they put in front of you at places like Claim Jumper. So, watch your portions and remember the classic expression from your mom “your eyes are bigger than your stomach.” Take your time as you eat, and understand when your are satisfied. You do not need to overstuff yourself, because your body is already telling you “I have had enough,” don’t be afraid of to-go boxes!
10. Find a release to stay stress free!
Being overly stressed can attribute to some unhealthy behaviors, and weight gain. Find a release in your day that will help you to be more stress free. Whether it be a half hour of quiet time listening to your favorite music, or a new yoga class. It is important that you create a release for yourself that brightens your spirit to assist in your overall well being. Being happy and healthful go hand-in-hand.
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