
Most Common New Year’s Resolutions…Did You Keep Yours?

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As 2018 inches closer to its conclusion, it’s about that time to check on all of you who set your New Year’s Resolutions last December. According to a YouGov poll, the most common resolutions of 2018 included:

Eating healthier – 37%
Getting more exercise – 37%
Saving more money – 37%
Focusing on self care – 24%
Read more – 18%
Make new friends – 15%
Learn a new skill – 15%
Get a new job – 14%
Taking up a new hobby – 13%

So did you keep yours? According to Time Management Firm FranklinCovey, at least one third of people who make resolutions don’t even keep it past the end of January. Why is this? It’s typically because people don’t have the right parameters for setting a realistic goal, setting themselves up for failure before they even begin.

A big problem many people have with making their new year resolutions is that they are simply not practical with themselves. Setting a goal that is completely unrealistic will do you no good, and in the end, you will burn yourself out in pursuit of it. While it should be said that it isn’t a bad thing to shoot for the stars and have hopes and dreams, it can be detrimental to your success of achieving your goals. With that being said, the best thing you can do when pursuing your new year’s resolutions is to keep your abilities in mind when pursuing your goals. Setting goals in small increments is a great way to keep you on track, and allows you to digest what needs to be done more easily.

The biggest part about New Year’s resolutions is to remember if you’re faced with the possibility of failure, that’s okay! While heading into the New Year with a fresh goal is a great thing, it doesn’t mean you can’t tweak your goals to match your current lifestyle. Things change, and there is no shame in changing it up, no matter what month it is.

As we swing into the Fall season, what are your goals for closing out the year? Are you still sticking with your New Year’s Resolution, or have you set your sights on something new? Either way, keep working towards bettering yourself, and finish the year strong.

Avid writer and reader with a curious mind. I'm always looking to get the most out of life! Follow me on Twitter @whatsaschoon


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