Fitness tips from The Sporting Club La Jolla — Using TRX equipment
This week on San Diego Living, Kris Machain, the fitness manager at The Sporting Club at the Aventine in La Jolla demonstrates the versatility of the TRX suspension training equipment. For our exercising enjoyment he has provided us with two different sets of exercises.
The TRX is a great workout option because it is accessible to all of us. Not only is it available for use at The Sporting Club, it is fairly inexpensive, and can really benefit the whole body. Many olympic and professional athletes, and a large portion of the armed forces have used or still regularly train with this equipment. It works by being anchored to a ceiling or wall and allows the user to use the weight of their own bodies as resistance. It is a very natural way of exercising. Find more about the TRX Trainer on their website: http://www.trxtraining.com/
Kris Machain started with a three part super setting workout. He directed his assistant into a starting position in which she was at a 45 degree angle to the ground hanging from the TRX. From there he had her perform three different moves in order.
1. A Basic row in which you would pull your body forward towards where the TRX is anchored and in a controlled motion return yourself to the hanging position. Machain reminds us to keep our body as straight as possible for this portion.
2. A Squat that requires that from that hanging position you allow your knees to bend, and lower your butt towards the ground.
3. Finally you would end the set with a Bicep curl, making sure to keep your elbows high so that you are sure to actually be using your biceps
The second thing that Machain brought up for us this week was the 40 40 challenge. This is a personal challenge to correctly perform 40 atomic push-ups and then 40 feet under anchor rows.
The atomic push-up starts with a traditional push-up, except the feet are hooked into the handles of the trx machine. You would perform a push-up, then from the up position you would complete a knee draw by pulling your knees into your chest.
The feel under anchor row is performed similarly to the basic row except that the starting position is an even deeper angle.
The 40-40 challenge is admittedly quite difficult but can be a great tool for setting goals in your workouts; do as many as you can this time, but next time challenge yourself to do just one more.
As always the staff at The Sporting Club’s immaculate facilities would love to help answer your questions or get you plugged into one of their many group classes. For more information visit them at:http://www.thesportingclub.com/