Entertainment & Events

Peace and Humanity Day

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People across the globe have read and remembered the history of two of the most horrifying days during WWII, when the U.S. dropped the atomic bombs in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and in Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. In remembrance of those tragic events, San Diego–WISH (Worldwide Initiative to Safeguard Humanity) is inviting you to take part in their annual Peace & Humanity Day.

Celebrating the last 67 years without the use of nuclear weapons in war, SD-WISH will be hosting ceremonies to educate people to continue living in harmony, using the US-Japan as a real world example of former enemies becoming friends and allies. The event is part of the “Mayors for Peace” initiative which involves 4,800 cities worldwide and aims to “promote peace and harmony among all people, cultures, and nations.”

No matter what country or culture you come from, San Diego – WISH encourages you to come out and enjoy all of the festivities while promoting a safer world. The event will be free, welcoming all ages, and it will take place in two parts:

The Floating of the Paper Lanterns ceremony
Friday, August 3 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. – Coronado City Council Chambers
Come celebrate peace and humanity by participating in the floating of the paper lanterns ceremony. Everyone is encouraged to participate in this event by writing a message to the world as a hope or WISH for global peace and understanding; then floating their custom made lanterns into the community pool, a presentation you won’t want to miss seeing. During the event there will be peace messages, musical performances, appetizers, and soft drinks.

Thursday, August 9 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.- Yokohama Friendship Bell on Shelter Island
Join us for the ceremony and the Ringing of the Friendship Bell.

The Peace and Humanity Day is a great way to show how friendship and peace come together. Through these ceremonies, the promise of peace grows much stronger for future generations to come.

San Diego – WISH was co-founded by Akiko Mikamo, the President of the US-Japan Psychological Services in San Diego,  and two other board members, Ben Collins and Mike Kawamura. The organization will be working in collaboration with the Port of San Diego, the City of Coronado, and the Japan Society of San Diego and Tijuana; with special messages of peace from elected officials and dignitaries.


For more information please visit www.sdwish.org


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