Tasty Takes – Produce from Sage Mountain Farms & Deluz Farms

Produce from the CSA Box
Sage Mountain Farms & Deluz Farms may or may not be names you are familiar with. These are two local organic farms situated in the Temecula area. For those home cooks and foodies out there, the promise of a fresh, healthy and delicious home cooked meal with great ingredients is what makes this ‘tasty takes’ shot exciting.
What is a CSA box, you may be asking? CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Basically, the community gives “pledges” and in return, they receive a box of fresh produce every week or two, depending on their pledge amount. There are several “pick up” locations around the county where members can get their box.
Depending on what is in season and what is ripe, the boxes will vary from week to week. This adds to the excitement of receiving the box every week. The CSA box in the picture above contains green bell peppers, carrots, tangerines, lemons, baby beets, juicy ripe Roma tomatoes, different varieties of new potatoes, green onions, red spring onions and a few varieties of patty pan squash. Oh, the possibilities…..
Inland Empire CSA
Pick-up locations after the jump:
Pick-up locations:
De Luz Farms and Nursery Loma Linda Farmers Market
22250 Corte Bonita Barton Road Frontage Road
Temecula, CA 92590 between Loma Linda Drive and Benton St.
Saturday 8-11 Sunday 8-10:30
Health Habitat
27190 State Highway 189
Blue Jay, CA 92317
Sunday 10-1
Riverside Farmer’s Market Sage Mountain Farms
Sage Mountain Farm Booth 40630 Sage Rd
3700 Main Street Hemet, CA 92544
Riverside, CA 92501 Saturday 8-11:30
Saturday 9-1
Claremont Farmer’s Market L&M Fertilizer
Sage Mountain Farm Booth 28690 Las Haciendas
Indian Hill Blvd & 2nd Street Temecula, CA 92590
Claremont, CA 91711 Saturday 9-12
Sunday 9-1
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