13 Reasons Why you Should be Watching 13 Reasons Why

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Netflix’s ’13 Reasons Why,’ based on 2007 novel, is binge-worthy for these thirteen reasons, but the list could extend miles upon miles. Starring Dylan Minnette, Kathernine LangFord, and Christian Navarro, the show opens the discussion of serious topics – rape, suicide, depression, etc. – in a strategic and honest way. It follows teenager Clay Jensen, on his expedition to uncover the story behind his classmate and lover, Hannah, and her fatal decision to end her life.

  1. Relatable. Many people face some of their biggest internal challenges in high school and can relate to many of the serious problems addressed in this show. Although the school is ironically named, “Liberty High” the high school might as well have been a jail. Students in the school suffered from issues regarding sexuality, identity, depression, rape, and thought of suicide. Considering these real problems happen everyday in real life, the characters become friends to the people watching this show who are suffering from similar issues.
  2. Empathize. The characters become your friends. There are 13 tapes for each character, so there is a lot of backstory on each character and you feel as though you really know them and want the best for them.
  3. ’13 Reasons Why’ was originally a novel that came out in 2007. The Netflix show definitely does it justice, but make sure to read the book! 
  4. There is at least one character you will fall in love with. For me, it’s Clay. Primarily gentle and caring, his character grows throughout the show as he transforms into someone fearless. His love for Hannah was heartfelt, unconditional, genuine and will inevitably generate water works.
  5. Selena Gomez, a very familiar face, was originally cast as Hannah. Gomez didn’t want her fame to take away from the story, so Katherine LangFord was cast as Hannah instead and Gomez became executive producer.
  6. Discussion of teenage depression is usually hushed, but this show doesn’t hide any last detail. ’13 Reasons why’ vividly and graphically shows exactly how detrimental depression can be.
  7. Though you might lose sleep at night, it will be worth it because there are surprises in every episode. Since there are 13 tapes, there is some sort of twist or turn in each tape. Therefore, this show is the perfect excuse to stay in bed or lounge on your couch all day.
  8. Not only is this a good show for teenagers to watch, but it is also a show that would be beneficial for parents to view. In many cases, teens don’t talk to their parents when they are depressed and parents don’t really know what is going on. This show encourages discussion and better relationships between parents and teenagers.
  9. Being kind goes a long way and ’13 Reasons Why’ emphasizes that. Many of the issues in Hannah’s life related to the fact that whenever she found a friend, the would wrong her. Not one of the students at her high school, besides Clay, did anything to make her feel happy. A simple gesture, wave, or compliment goes a long way and may help someone’s internal issues.
  10. Not only does kindness go a long way, but small hurtful things also do. From “locker room talk” to rumors, ’13 Reasons Why’ emphasizes how damaging these little things can be.
  11. It shows both sides. Though the main character, Hannah, is a female and depressed, the show eloquently discusses the issues that men face as well. It doesn’t fault males, yet fluidly expresses both sides.
  12. ’13 Reasons Why’ encourages people of all ages to rightfully use their voice. By making your voice heard, more people are apt to come out about their personal stories. Awareness is more important now than it ever has been.
  13. The story isn’t over! There is expected to be another season, so hang tight.

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